Seminars/Workshops Attended
‘Future Trends on Refrigeration Technology’, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli. Maharashtra, 24-25 Jan 1998.
“Sixteenth National Symposium on Cryogenics & Workshop on Industrial Cryogenics”, IIT Kharagpur, 10-12 Dec 1997.
Two Weeks National School on ‘Superconductivity and Cryogenics in Accelerators and Tokomaks’, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, 27 Jan- 7 Feb 1998.
National Workshop on ‘Stirling Cycle Liquid Nitrogen Plants’, IIT Bombay, 15-19June 1998.
National Seminar on ‘Cryogenic Engineering’, S.V. Regional COE &T, Surat, 8-9 Oct 1998.
“Seventeenth National Symposium on Cryogenics”, Priyadarshani COE &A, Nagpur, 19-21Feb 1999.
Short Term Course on ‘Air Conditioning System Design’, Quality Improvement Program, IIT Bombay, 2-6 Feb 2004.
Two day Continuing Education Programme (CEP) course on ‘Cryogenics Engineering’, VJTI, Mumbai, 4-5 Nov 2006.
One week Faculty Development & Training Programme on ‘Finite Analysis using ABAQUS’ SCOE, Pune, 13-17 Nov 2006.
One day Seminar on ‘CO2 as Refrigerant’, VJTI, Mumbai, 1 Sept 2007.
‘Refrigeration and Air Conditioning subject Teachers Meet’, SCOE & ISHRAE Pune Chapter, Pune, 31 Jan 2008.
Four day Continuing Education Programme (CEP) course on “Cryocoolers: Theory, Design and Practice”, I.I.T. Bombay,Powai,Mumbai-76, 19-22 Feb 2008.
One day Workshop on ‘Formulation of Syllabus Structure of TE and BE Automobile Engineering 2008 Course, SPPU (formerly UOP), D.P. COE, Wagholi, Pune, 29 April 2011.
‘Two Weeks ISTE Workshop on Heat Transfer’ National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD), Organized by IIT Bombay, at Cummins COE, Pune, 29 Nov – 10 Dec 2011.
One day Workshop on ‘Syllabus Revision of B.E. Mechanical (2015 Course)’, APCER & SPPU, 29 Jan 2018.
Two days Faculty Development Program on "Outcome based Eduaction" organized by Faculty of Education, MITWPU Pune, 27-28 Sept 2018.
International Conferences
Eighteenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, (ICEC18), IIT Bombay, India, 21-25 Feb 2000…. Worked as Chief Coordinator for International Exhibition, Mementos and other activities under the Prof.(Dr.) K.G. Narayankhedkar, Chairman (ICEC18), IIT Bombay, India.
21st International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC21)”, 17 - 21 Jul 2006, CryoPrague, Czech Republic, 2006
Joint 18th International Heat Pipe Conference and the 12th International Heat Pipe Symposium” Jeju, South Korea, 12th to 16th June, 2016
Confernces/Workshops/Seminars Organised
Worked as a Convener & Chief coordinator for 5th National Level Workshop on Recent Trends in Heat Exchangers” 29-30 Jan, 2010 at WCE, Sangli, (As a part of MOU between VIIT Pune and WCE Sangli)
Worked as a Convener & Chief coordinator for 6th National Level Workshop on Recent Trends in Heat Exchangers” Jan, 2011 at WCE, Sangli, (As a part of MOU between VIIT Pune and WCE Sangli)
Worked as a Convener for 7th National Level Workshop on Recent Trends in Heat Exchangers” 27-29 Jan, 2012 at VIIT, Pune, (As a part of MOU between VIIT Pune and WCE Sangli)
Key note Address by Prof. (Dr.) K. G. Narayankhedkar on the occasion of Inauguration of Seventh RTHX at VIIT, Pune, Jan 2012, along with Prof. M. R. Khadilakar (Founder Principal & Chairman of VIT Pune and Prof.(Dr.) P. J. Awasare (BOS Mech. Chairman, SPPU, Pune)
( Seventh RTHX at VIIT Pune 27 Jan 2012, From Left to Right)
Prof.A.K. Bewoor, Prof.(Dr.) B.S. Gawali, Prof.(Dr.)P. J. Awasare, Prof. (Dr.) K. G. Narayankhedkar, Prof. M.R. Khadilakar, Prof.(Dr.) Mandar M. Lele, Prof. (Dr.) N. K. Sane, Prof. (Dr.) R. B. Ingale, Prof. A.V. Salve
Reviewer & Session Chairman, First National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering TechniquesNational Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Techniques, 2015, MITCOE,Pune
Advisory Commitee Member, Second National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering TechniquesNational Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Techniques, 2016, MITCOE,Pune
Advisory Commitee Member, Third National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering TechniquesNational Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Techniques, 2017, MITCOE,Pune
Advisory Commitee Member, Fourth National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering TechniquesNational Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Techniques, 2018, MITCOE,Pune
.......and many more Seminars/Workshops are organised under the able guidance of Dr. Mandar M. Lele
Invited Talks
“Stirling Cycle Refrigeration”, Workshop and QIP course on Stirling Cycle Liquid Nitrogen Plants, 15-19 June 1998, I.I.T. Bombay.
"Stirling Cycle Cooler for Special Refrigeration Applications", National Seminar on Emerging Technology in Refrigeration, Organised by ISHRAE Pune Chapter, 27 April 2002.
“Design and Development of Stirling Cycle Cooler for Domestic Applications”, National Seminar & Conference on Cryogenics & its Frontier Applications 25-27 March 2004, Kolkata, India.
“ Pure Substances & Properties of Steam” Department of Mech. Engg., AISSMS COE, Pune, 2013
" Heat Transfer Fundamentals & Applications" Dept. of Mech. Engg., DYP COE, Akrudi, Pune, 15 Sept 2014
" Numerical Heat Transfer in Transient Conduction " Dept. of Mech. Engg., DYP COE, Pimpri, Pune, 23 Feb 2015
"How to Write Thesis & Seminars" Dept. of Mech. Engg., MITCOE, 2018
“Heat Pipes for HVAC – A Sustainable Approach”, ISHRAE Pune Chapter, Tech-Talk on “Sustainability via Green Technology in HVACR”, MITCOE, Pune, 29 Jan 2019
...... and many more in the field of Cryogenic Engineering, Heat Transfer, HVAC,
Heat Pipe , Thermal Insulation and Heat Exchanger Applications