Teaching Courses for UG/PG like-
Basic Thermodynamics
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Advanced Fluid Dynamics
Advanced Thermodynamics
Air Conditioning System Design
Advanced Heat Transfer...
& many more

Academic Excellence
Dr. Mandar M. Lele is acadamic scholar completed his Ph.D. in 2006 from I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-76, India. in the field of Mech. Engg. (Cryogenic Engineering)
He has completed M.E. (Mech) with Power Engineering as Specialization in 1997 from Walchand Collge of Engineering, Sangali,one of the leading institute in India.
He has done his B.E. (Mech) in 1992 from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune , one of the repute institute in India.
Dr. Mandar M. Lele is working in the field for more than 32 years. He has guided 20 PG and 7 PhD students and more than 30 UG projects... till now... and many more are coming in future.
He is having more than 100 papers and 4 Patents on his credit so far...
......and many more are coming in future.
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